Tham khảo Lạm_dụng_tâm_lý

  1. Dutton, Donald G. (Summer 1994). “Patriarchy and wife assault: the ecological fallacy”. Violence & Victims 9 (2): 167–182. PMID 7696196. doi:10.1891/0886-6708.9.2.167
  2. 1 2 Dutton, Mary Ann; Goodman, Lisa A.; Bennett, Lauren (2000), “Court-involved battered women's responses to violence: the role of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse”, trong Maiuro, Roland D.; O'Leary, K. Daniel, Psychological abuse in violent domestic relations, New York: Springer Publishing Company, tr. 197, ISBN 9780826111463Preview.
  3. 1 2 Thompson, Anne E.; Kaplan, Carole A. (tháng 2 năm 1996). “Childhood emotional abuse”. The British Journal of Psychiatry 168 (2): 143–148. PMID 8837902. doi:10.1192/bjp.168.2.143
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